Referencias Bibliográficas. Experiencias de Energía Eólica a Pequeña Escala en América Latina

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  • BEEK M.C. van. (1994), Modeling and Experimental Development of the TUE Matching Valve for Piston Pumps. TUE
Eindhoven, Holanda.
  • BURTON J.D., DAVIES D.G. (1996), Dynamic model of a wind-driven lift pump, Proc. Instn. Mech. Engrs., Vol 210,
pp 279 -293, (RU).
  • BURTON J.D., PINILLA A.E. (1985), Water Pumps for Windmills. A comparison of two commercially available :systems from South America, Wind Engineering (R.U.), Vol 19, No. 1, pp 50-58.
  • GONZALEZ S.C. (1975), Obtención de Energía Éolica por medio de Velas Rotatorias, Fac. Ing. Mecánica, :Universidad de Los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia.
  • JONGH, J. de y RIJS R., editores (1997), Pequeños Molinos de Viento. Suplemento de la revista HIDRORED de :ITDG. Perú. Dic 1997.
  • JOUGH J. de y RIJS R. (2000), Small Scale Wind Energy System, Poldow Wind Pumps, en Making an Impact :World wide, Dic 2000.
  • RIJS R. (2002), Oportunidades y Obstáculos para la Comercialización de Aerobombas, Pequeños Molinos de :Viento, en la revista HIDRORED de I.T. Peru 1/2002. fuente – Firki Vol 2, No. 4, 1999, Gujarat Energy Development :Agency (GEDA), Marketing Wind Pump opportunities and Obstacles. Extracted from Technology and :implementation, issues related to water pumping windmills by, N.W.M Bishop and J.D. Burton (Dept. Ing. Mecanica, :La Universidad de Los Andes, Apartado Aereo 4976, Bogotá, Colombia), Energy for Sustainable Development, 1996, :3(2), 44-50.
  • SMULDERS P. DIEPENS J. (1993), The matching valve, Wind Energy Group, Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics and :Heat Transfer, Faculty of Physics, TUE Eindhoven, Holanda.
  • SMULDERS P.T., PINILLA A.E. y BURTON J.D. (1995), ¡¡International Cooperation between Colombia, United :Kingdom and The Netherlands; The Development of an Innovative 3S-Pump, CE Contract CI*-CT92-0021.
  • TRUNZ R. (1995), Field Testing and Monitoring of Loadmatching Devices for Water pumping Windmills, Wind mill Research Project Centre for Scientific Research Auroshilpam Auroville – 605 101, South India, Dic.
  • TRUNZ R. (1997), Long term observation of successfully tested loadmatching devices for water pumping Windmills.
Matching valve and Spring device, Improvement of Wind pumps, Auroville, South India, Oct. 1997.

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