Referencias Bibliográficas. Aprovechamiento Energético de la Biomasa

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  • ESDG-UNDP (2001), Clean Energy for Development and Economic growth: biomass and other renewable energy
options to meet energy and development needs in poor nations. UNPD.
  • FAO. (1983), Métodos simples para fabricar carbón vegetal. Estudio Montes 41 FAO, Roma.
  • FAO (1993), El gas de madera como combustible para motores. Estudio Montes 72. FAO, Roma.
  • GTZ-GATE (1999), Biogas Digest (Volume I and II / PDF) GTZ-GATE, Eschborn, Germany.
  • IEA (1998), World Energy Outlook 1998, IEA, París.
  • IEA (2000), World Energy Outlook 2000, IEA, París.
  • IEA (International Energy Agency) (2002), World Energy Outlook 2002, IEA, París.
  • ITDG (2001), Technology... is only half the story. Addressing the market for renewable energy in developing :countries, ITDG, Reino Unido.
  • ITDG (Intermediate Technology Development Group) (2002a), Technical briefBiomass. ITDG, Reino Unido.
  • ITDG (2002b), Technical briefStoves for institutional and commercial kitchens. ITDG, Reino Unido.
  • ITDG (2002c), Technical briefBiogas and liquid biofuels, ITDG, Reino Unido.
  • JUANA, J. M. de (2003), Energías Renovables para el Desarrollo, Paraninfo - Thomson Learning.
  • KAREKEZI, S., LATA, K., COELHO, S. T. (2004), Traditional biomass energy, International Conference for :Renewable Energies. Bonn.
  • KAREKEZI, S., RANJA, T. (1997), Renewable energy technologies in Africa, AFREPEN.
  • VELO, E., TAUTA S. (1999), Aprovechamiento energético de residuos urbanos y agroindustriales. Facultad
de Ingeniería. Universidad de La Sabana, Santa Fe de Bogotá, Colombia.

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