Referencias Bibliográficas. Educar la para la Sostenibilidad en el Ámbito Tecnológico

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  • CAPDEVILA, I. (2000), L’ambientalització de la universitat, Di7 Ed. European Ministers of Education (1999), The european higher education area. Joint declaration of the European Ministers of Education Convened in Bologna on the 19th of June 1999, Disponible en
  • FERRER-BALAS, D. et al. Ed. (2004), Engineering Education in Sustainable Development, CIMNE (UPC), Barcelona.
  • JANSEN, L. (2004), Knowledge in Sustainable Development, No editado. Conferencia impartida en la UPC el 25/10/04.
  • JOWITT, P. (2004), Sustainability and the formation of the civil engineer, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil
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  • FILHO, W.L., Ed. (1999), Sustainability and University Life, en Environmental Education, Communication and
Sustainability, Vol. 5, Lang, Frankfurt am Main.
  • MULDER, K.F. (2002), Engineering Curricula and Sustainable Development at Delft University of Technology,
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  • THOMAS, I. (2004), Sustainability in tertiary curricula: what is stopping it happening?. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, Vol.5, N.1, pp. 33-47.
  • VON WEIZSACKER, E., AMORY B. LOVINS & L. HUNTER LOVINS (1997), Factor Four: Doubling Wealth, Halving
Resource Use, Earthscan Publications, Ltd, London.
  • WEAVER, P. et al. (2000), Sustainable Technology Development, ISBN 1 874719 09 8, Greenleaf Publishing, Sheffield, UK.
  • WETERINGS R.A.P.M., OPSCHOOR J.B. (1992), The Ecocapacity as a challenge to technological development, Advisory Council for Research on Nature and Environment, Rijswijk.

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